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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Little boy's family

I wondered what to do with first post for this section. How to start? Then I thought it should be from scratch, where it all started. Birth and family. Sadly, that wasn't with us, we weren't there. But luckily, we know pretty much all even before it was our turn to care for the pup. 

So, firstly, let's meet his parents, the couple who brought our cutie to us. That sounds cheesy... Daddy is labrador and mommy papillon breed. Max's size turned out something between them. He mostly took the shape of daddy and the color from his mother. They look happy, don't they?

Monday, November 28, 2016

Christmas tree ornaments

While looking what decorations we could use in library for the Holidays, I stumbled upon this site and said to myself, let's try making the Christmas trees. Below is my instruction how to make them. 

Supplies you need
- The site mentioned above showed wide (probably cotton) string but I used felt. I bought it at Rayher, A4 size.
- Beads
- Needle and yarn. Make sure your needle can go through the beads.
- Scissors