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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)


Searching for inspiration? 
This blog mainly focuses on three topics: handmade, Max and Slovek. If you look at the header and click on them, the individual topics are explained further.

Why is it called with that name? 
Because inspiration can come from smallest things in life. I make so many pictures when I go somewhere. I want to capture so many things. I wish if you look at my blog, you can find something that will inspire you as well. 

Pictures and information sharing?
Pictures I am using are all made and edited by me. I'm using Polarr, VSCO, GIMP and Instagram as the editing programs. 
When I mention something that didn't grow on my field, I will properly name the author. 

You wonder how to contact me outside of the blog? 
You can write me a mail (check the form at sidebar) or look at the header with links to social media.


P. S.: For best viewing results use Chrome web browser.

Credits: Social icons are not mine, you can find these free icons here.

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