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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Sack of useful tips #3

Do you like having small tissues always close by for quick cleanings to do like I do? I am actually in love with those wet tissues. I have always hygenic ones with me in the bag wherever I go. I might be a bit phobic regarding the cleaniness of my hands especially when dealing with older things or touching public things or at least once or twice a month I clean my mouse and typing board. Basic cleanings. So yes those wet tissues or antibacterial spray are my saviors. But what about having your house clean, or your room? And what if you are a bit lazy like I am and need to be done quickly before visits come or when I spot a dirty thing on my shelf or window shelf. And what if the vet tissues become dry one day? This is what happened to me before and I looked online for something to solve that and after some browsing I came uppon this good solution that I will share with you. 

"Wet tissues for house cleaning" is the tip I will present today and how to make them on your own.