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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Is it right, or wrong?

"Be towards others 
like you want them to be towards you."

I was often told this saying above and with this I wish to forward it to other pepople as well. Why? Recently there are weird things happening around me and that saying above should apply to everyone. I wish to discuss how people are towards each other, especially lately. See I have a dear friend who was badly treated by another friend who I know a bit as well. She didn't do anything wrong to that person, she is an amazing friend who always puts others first before herself. Then I know someone else who was badly treated recently and for no real reason, even I got a bit of that weird behavior. What is the use of that?

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Netherlands (25. - 28. October 2017)

I decided to bring this blog of mine to life again, I hope I can do it frequently as in the past. I had some tough time and struggling with this and that. Somehow I forgot the joy of writing. I want to get that back and just enjoy doing what I liked in the past. I believe the best reason to start again is due to my recent vacation in The Netherlands. 

To explain more, it was my first alone trip outside of my country. It was hell scary I admit it. I don't like airplanes, media, movies etc. make it sound so scary and it gave me many useless thoughts. I wondered also if I can even do it on my own but one thing was clear to me. I get on the plane and when I arrive my friend, who I have known online for quite some years, will wait for me at the airport. I can do it! Second reason was to prove it to myself that I can do it and also to make few of my dreams come true. There is nothing wrong about that right? So, here it is, let me tell how much fun I had.