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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Is it right, or wrong?

"Be towards others 
like you want them to be towards you."

I was often told this saying above and with this I wish to forward it to other pepople as well. Why? Recently there are weird things happening around me and that saying above should apply to everyone. I wish to discuss how people are towards each other, especially lately. See I have a dear friend who was badly treated by another friend who I know a bit as well. She didn't do anything wrong to that person, she is an amazing friend who always puts others first before herself. Then I know someone else who was badly treated recently and for no real reason, even I got a bit of that weird behavior. What is the use of that?

I wonder, is it really fun to look down on people as if they are less worth, to say mean things, to put bad mood on others, being two faced, talk behind someone's back, ignoring to talk to them or trying to always have the last say or pushing their "I'm right about this" on others... Is it even right? Does that make the mean person feel better? Either for her/his ego or the feeling to have the upper hand? Or to let go of the pressure they are feeling from their personal problems? Is it okay to put anger, frustration, bad mood, anxiousness etc. on other people? I believe it is not. It is really not fair. Does that person want us to behave same way back? It is upseting but I try to prevent too much bothering about it. I should have an upper hand by being different than them and wish them good even if they once and once again talk behind my back or say mean things. Sometimes you can let go of such people but sometimes we are bound to them and need to find a way to handle it. Feeling bad, feeling useless and like you are in the way and just like they say you are, that's making it worse. Let it go. I tell so to myself as well. They shouldn't get the feeling they reached their goal. 

"I dislike that someone even wishes other person bad. 
Isn't life tough enough as it is? 
Do we really need to push each other in s***? 
I find it unforgivable."

Words from someone I know after being treated wrongly. I so agree with this because I was treated badly as well from same person. Did we get an apology? No. Does that person even realize the things he/she said and that it wronged us? We didn't do anything, we weren't reason for anger, we did nothing wrong, we don't deserve such treatment. Sometimes it is also no use to nicely tell that a person hurt us or we know it would only add fuel to the fire. I wonder what is best to do in such case...

Before end of this post I wish to say some very important things. 
- Everyone has worth. 
- Everyone has a right to be treated with respect. 
- Everyone has right to say what he or she thinks and people need to accept that not everyone plays to his/her whistles. 
- Everyone has a heart that can hurt even from smallest things. 
- Everyone deserves a proper apology. My good friend made a really good post how to properly apologize, read it here if you want. 
- Everyone does mistakes, that we should understand and forgive once the other realizes what she/he did (and properly apologizes). 
- Everyone deserve a second, a third or more chances if we are prepared for it. 
- We all deserve love, good wishes, good words, small praise, small encouragement. 
We all should do that and world would be a really better place. <3

With love, 

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