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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Netherlands (25. - 28. October 2017)

I decided to bring this blog of mine to life again, I hope I can do it frequently as in the past. I had some tough time and struggling with this and that. Somehow I forgot the joy of writing. I want to get that back and just enjoy doing what I liked in the past. I believe the best reason to start again is due to my recent vacation in The Netherlands. 

To explain more, it was my first alone trip outside of my country. It was hell scary I admit it. I don't like airplanes, media, movies etc. make it sound so scary and it gave me many useless thoughts. I wondered also if I can even do it on my own but one thing was clear to me. I get on the plane and when I arrive my friend, who I have known online for quite some years, will wait for me at the airport. I can do it! Second reason was to prove it to myself that I can do it and also to make few of my dreams come true. There is nothing wrong about that right? So, here it is, let me tell how much fun I had. 

Day 1

Of course all starts with day 1. In morning I worked then later, few hours before my flight I drove a bus to meet my sister who drove me to the airport. I grabbed my bag and with boost of confidence walked into the Jože Pučnik airport. My coworkers told me a bit what is where and since the airport is small, I had no problem finding my way. I checked in online so all I had to do was go through security. I had some struggles because heck I didn't know what I have to do. The security people were bit moody too so I kept my mouth shut and did what needed to. No harsh feelings, I know people can have bad days. I didn't let it bother me. Now was time for quite long waiting at the gate that would take me away. I bought drinks and snacks, walked around a bit, watched outside what was happening and a bit people around me, I was alone after all. My own safety was my priority. Funny thing is, I think I saw Domen Valič on the airport (slovene actor, MC... funny cute guy :P). Well I quite soon forgot about that as my boarding time was approaching. I sent few messages that I'll be leaving now then put my phone on flying mode. 

Boarding and flight went well. I had a woman beside me who joked that we are flying a toy plane because she hit her head when she joined beside me. Well I hit my head on way out so I agree with her when she said the plane isn't built for tall people. We had bit of shaking during the drive, some people are used to that, I was bit nervous but since everyone else was calm I told myself to chill out. And we landed safely and in few minutes I was able to finally meet my friend. I was really happy, bit awkward at first but got the hang of it that this is my friend who often listens to my blabbering, my silly jokes, that we like similar things and that we are quite alike. 

I must say Amsterdam airport is seriously bigger than ours and has trainstation below it?! Very interesting to be honest. We drove that train to her place. I admit I am bit jealous over her place, it fits so much to my taste how I want to live. Small but still big and with everything a person would need. Was very comfortable. 

Sadly the clock showed bit late already. After washing hair, having dinner we grabbed on our way home and chatting a little, it was time for the day to end. 

Day 2

As we agreed previous night, we followed our plan to first get up at 9, eat breakfast and prepare to go out. We had whole day full to spend outside. 

Our first destination was Kinderdijk windmills. Old windmills were one of my many wishes so my friend nicely followed that by taking me there. It is really a great place. The almost endless walking paths by the water, high grass dancing in the wind and windmills almost as far as the eye can see. It was wonderful view and I took all too many pictures, will try to narrow it down a bit later. There was also a small stand while we were walking around and she was right to suggest Poffertjes, small pancake-like snack cowered with suggar. It was seriously delicious. Somewhere along we wished to take a picture as well. It was funny how we struggled and even more when a Chinese male approached us and asked if he can help us. So nice really. We laughed and agreed. A lot easier that way. Thank you again mister. My friend also shared some black candies with me, unknown to me, but were quite delicious, she knows I am not a chocolate person, very nice of her. After I believe it was few hours we needed to head back home to prepare for the evening in Amsterdam.

Actually on the way back we were really lucky. We almost had a car accident. Not our fault and luckily my friend kept the appropriate distance. The road was a bit busier and the car in front of us seems to be distracted and didn't notice the truck before him had stopped. It went straight into him... That was really scary to see. It was like car exploded by the small pieces that went flying around from its front. Front side was totally crashed. Luckily the man in it wasn't hurt, his airbag protected him. For quite some time we both couldn't calm down. It was really close, none of us were ever that close before. Really lucky it ended well. 

At home we freshened up, ate a bit and we were soon ready to go again. Evening plan was the FT Island concert we both very much waited for. The group comes from South Korea and had Europe tour, we had to go and see them. It was a lifetime oportunity if I may say so. We love their rock music and some sweet ballads in between and just their silliness. Everything together. So on our way to the train station we picked her younger brother up, he was coming with us too, also very much likes the group. I experianced the different way to drive trains than we have. Stamping when entering train station, thamping when leaving, stamping when switching to different train. I admit it is still a bit confusing for me. Thank god for the brother-sister duo to tell me how it works. 

So we arrived in Amsterdam. The train station looked amazing and there were really, really many people. I never saw a running railway either. And I smelled drugs somewhere in the small streets we went through but I didn't mind it much. We first went to a second hand store to look at some asian cds they had there. I loved the store. Old style of games everywhere, the Mario-like sound constantly playing, the old cassettes for gameboys, DVDs, old records etc. Japanese might say it was an otaku place. I loved it. Sadly they didn't have any cd I was interested in but knew quite many groups they had. We browsed further through and I discovered two indian movies I actually saw before but both were so good for me that I had to own the DVDs. I bought them. 

Next we knew we had to eat something before the concert so my friend proposed a great pizza place. I must say it might have been best pizza I had in my life. Really delicious. The atmosphere was also pleasant. Very my taste. Our bellies were so full but we had to move again and leave towards The Box venue where the concert would take place. 

Even when we arrived to the venue I thought I was in a dream. I couldn't imagine that a group I listened for the past few years was inside there and that we aren't far to see them. Each got a bracelet before going inside. We had to leave drinks by security, bought a card with credit points for toilets, got very black stamp the first time we went in which we only needed to show when we wanted to go again. Bought a large locker box in which we stuffed our extra clothes, DVDs we bought and so on so we had only most personal things on us. My friend and I were wearing same t-shirts that I made for us. It was very fun. The text on the shirts was from one of the group's song lyrics "Find the light, believe in yourself". 

We had some time left and there was a stand with group's goodies. We simply had to buy something. The guy that was selling them was actually very funny. He better not pick a fight or insult the group in front of fangirls. Some girls were a bit arguing with him especially when he compared them to One direction or said that they aren't much special. Such a funny guy. I bought a small towel with the group's name on it. I must say it was very useful later during the concert. We found our best spot among other audiance and waited and waited. The time didn't want to move anywhere. Finally it began!

Memories of the concert? Fun, so much fun. So much feelings. So much excitement. Didn't sing so much in a long time. Didn't jump so much in long time either. Oh god it was so hot, like I said the towel was useful for that and for waving with it in the air or simply spreading it above the head. The boys tried to speak dutch or there was a translator when they spoke in korean and luckily I either understood a bit of korean or my friend translated it to me in english. Fun. Also thanks to her brother, he was nice to buy me a beer after the group drank one. I suddenly got a craving as well. It tasted well and wush it was gone. Concert ended all too quickly as well. Two hours went by as two ticks of the clock. I know I won't forget the fun and memories I got from this one concert and I am sure I will come again anytime they are anywhere near in Europe. 

I took videos too but as I learned they might not be good... Either because it was so loud, my videos keep making out-of-station-radio noise. Made me really sad. Luckily there are other videos by others on youtube. 

What was left for day 2 was to arrive back home, it was late. Friend and I had some more fun at home. I know I couldn't calm down that soon and my ears were ringing a bit from the loud music. It was perfect day.

Day 3

This day was another day of making my dreams come true. We got up same time, did same morning routine then we headed out. My wish was to see live dolphins so I let her chose a place that will be good and will also fit to my second wish: the beach. I got both at Dolfinarium in Harderwijk. The place is like water animals zoo. What we found very amazing idea from start was that we could buy small thermo cup and fill it in restaurants with tea, coffee, chocolate etc. as many times as we wanted during our visit. It was really great because it was a bit chilly and windy. It was good to almost constantly have warm hands. We also got a map and timetable for the shows with the animals. Of course we practically saw all. The schedule was good planned so we only moved from one scene to the other. I love sea, water and so also practically all sea animals. And I saw dolphins! How cool is that? I am a bit overly excited but I really like them, even more now. Other animals were also very very adorable and I could touch a flatfish, such funny feeling and my hand smelled for the rest of that day lol. 

We had rain only once, thank god and we were inside at that time. The rest was a bit cloudy but many sunshine as well. It was perfect weather. We went to the zoo's beach as well. It was my first time on sandy beach, I loved it. By the water rested many swans, it was a wonderful sight. We fooled around a bit, made few pictures. 

Another wish of mine came true when we spotted cotton candy. I haven't had that in ages! I had to get it, like a kid. It was just too good. Also it was amazing to get a small break for food underneath the ground with big pools with dolphins swimming around us. Magical. I said I want to have a house like that inside a pool. We returned later for some pictures and it was really hard to go. Child in me wanted to stay, sit by the glass and just look into the water and communicate with dolphins. I am a dreamer, can't help myself. 

We spent there quite few hours and left around closing time in afternoon. We stopped by a restaurant close by for another meal, pancakes. It was seriously good. I got big pancake with cream and hot cherries, delicious. By the time we finished and left it was slowly darkening. 

On the way home we made one spontanous stop. We saw a beach from high way, the sun was slowly setting and we rushed there. We parked and searched for a way to the beach and we made it. It was amazing view. The sunset was on our side and waited a bit more. We fooled around, took pictures again. It was the taste of freedom. 

Once arriving home, we spent the evening on a couch, turning Netflix on. I introduced her Dirk Gently (we saw 3 episodes) and as it seems she quite likes it. I knew it. And that is how all too quickly our last evening together ended... 

Day 4

What was left of day four was morning routine, packing, food and driving me to the airport. My flight was a bit before 11 and I needed to be there early enough. I checked in and then we went to a cafe to have a morning coffee and chat some more. Too soon I needed to leave. It was tough. We hugged and waved at each other, looking quite some time until we were at a point where we really had to part. But am sure one day we get to see each other again. 

I went through security check again. It was so different than what I went through in my country. Stricter when it comes at checking my luggage and me (had to take my shoes off T_T cold ground...) and they scanned me well and a woman did a check up on me too. All in all everyone was so nice. They asked me a bit where I go and so, I chatted calmly so they were sure I don't want to smuggle something or that am suspicious. It was nice and at end I was praised with "very good". Perfect now I could go on another adventure to find the right gates. Luckily I noticed the change of gates on time and moved to the right ones and waited there. I did a surprise call to my mom, making sure she and dad will be there to pick me up from airport. 

The flight was more pleasant on the way back. Plane was also bit bigger and maybe I got used to it a little. I was sitting by emergency door so I had a lot of space for my legs and no one was sitting beside me. Fun I could fool around bit more and spread. Actually the flight ended too fast. I was quite enjoying the ride. Then I saw Alps through the clouds and knew we will be arriving soon. With perfect landing I was back home and now sure I need to do such trips more often. It is amazing. 

- Anny

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