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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

His treats and habits #4

-Master of cuddling-

As the picture and title say it already, there is probably, at least for me, no other dog that likes to cuddle more than our Max. I know some people don't approve dogs being on human beds but I think otherwise. He loves my bed and my heart doesn't let me go against those puppy eyes. He often warms my legs and snuggles close to me. He likes it and I like it as well, especialy during some more tensed times when his warmth and soft fur calm me down. He sleeps each night in my bed, snuggles to my stomach and practically doesn't move all night. He knows it well to give me peace or he would be chased down.

Or those times when he comes on my lap and just sleeps, not minding if I, for that time, can't do anything else. Usually this happens when I sit in front of computer, trying to work on something important. Then he sweetly climbs on my legs and demands for my attention or sleeps on my arm so I can't move. Such a silly boy. 

When we are doing his care, he is quite often upset, he doesn't like to have his ears cleaned or nails cut for example. Sometimes we need to raise our voices or better option, use treats. Once we are done, he goes crazy from joy, jumps around and snuggles to me to tell him everything will be okay now and that the tough time is finished. 

These are only few examples how this master of cuddling is twisting his human family around his little paws. He does that practically every single day and we all love him for that. 


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