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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Bye 2017, hello 2018

Another year is slowly reaching its end. Ending is a new beginning, is often told. Some people make promises to themselves what they want to achieve in the new year, some stick to them and some stick to them first few weeks. I actually don't make any promises to myself. My mother often told me: "Don't promise something you aren't sure you will keep." She meant more towards other people, family and friends. I take that as also towards myself. It will make me feel the pressure to keep them and my chances to do so would get smaller. 

Instead, I place few wishes for me and people around me. What I wish for me and others. This way I don't feel pressure and end up completing those wishes without trying hard. Sometimes they complete also on their own. That is why this option is for me better. 

So looking back to this post I made last year (click here). When I look at it now I can see that many things came true for me and also for people around me.

- For me, I believe some relationships improved since last year, there was more understanding, honesty, comunication and forgiveness from me and from others. Things changed a lot, some became good or better than before, some sadly less good. I started to clearer see what it means to be good friend, good listener etc. Everyone matters and deserves to be respected for who he/she is. 

- As little as none bad things. That was a bit optimistic view I had last year. War and suffering won't go that easily away. It came true more in context of first point. Especially for my dear friend who won the war against cancer and is now expecting so much joy in the following year. I am very happy for her. 

- New beginning. I think that goes well for me. 2017 was a turning point for me in many ways and I hope 2018 can be continuation of that. I might have grown a bit and I wish to even more. Like I said new start, new beginning, nothing stops. 

- As for magical things. Did you have many dreams and goals? Did some come true? Did you more believe and trust in people? Were you optimistic and looked forward to challenges ahead? I must say many went well for me. I had many challenges and goals and despite fear I went forwards them, fighting and learning to point out myself and not hide away in the shadows. I opened up towards others and it felt very nerve wrecking but after it, very good. It all didn't always go well but most of the times, I let people see me, the sides of me I tried to hide. People can't live alone, we can't deal with our problems on our own. We say we are weak when we need someone's help but it is so not true. Only when we ask for help or speak up we become brave. It takes a lot of courage sometimes. 

So 2018 is approaching. What are your wishes for the following year? 

Me? I actually wish similar things as last year. What I wish to add to that is something I want to keep a secret this time. 


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