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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Tool for continuous bias binding tape [sewing]

Once I started making more sewn clothes on my own or other smaller things I stumbled upon a small problem. a) either I was out of bias binding tape to make nice closed up edges or b) even the store was out of it. I kept having that thought in my head each time when I was in fabric store or any other similar store.

Then one day I came accross this tool that enables me to make my own continuous bias binding tape from any fabric I am using. Simple, quick and saving my own money. They had different sizes but since I mainly do clothes and other similar things I said 25 mm should do it.

Here is how you use it.

- fabric you want to use for the continuous bias binding tape
- a ruler and fabric marker
- scissors
- the bias tape maker
- an iron

1. Cut your fabric in long strips, help yourself with a ruler and fabric marker so your strip is evenly wide. The strips have to be double the width than your bias tape maker says. In my case it says 25 mm tape comes out so I make my strips 50mm wide (because it folds). Cut one side of the strip diagonaly so it goes smoothly into your bias tape maker.

2. Insert the strip inside the bias tape maker. As you can see the tool folds it evenly from both sides towards the center. Slowly pull the bias tape maker and at the same time follow with an iron.

3. Once you reach the end of your strip, make sure all is ironed well. Then fold it in half and iron again through all length. Use the finished tape well or store it for easier and faster future use.


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