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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Sack of useful tips #1

Sack of useful tips? I had idea for something like this in my head for a while now. How to gently, without pressuring people, present few tips on some every day things. I couldn't really form it correctly on the whiteness of a new blog post. "Would it be even useful, would anyone even take notice of it?" or "What if I don't do it right as well and am only trying to be smart here." Sounds funny that I thought so much about it. Then I told myself, if some things are useful for me, why not share it and maybe someone else starts to do it.

So without further ado, here comes first tip under this section. It is refered to clothings. While growing up I had constant problem of too many clothes and not enough space in wardrobes. Even if clothes were ironed well and folded well, eventually they would become messy when taking some out or put back in. I really don't like messy things. I need them to be ordered and neat, without wrinkles. When I couldn't find certain sweater I wished to wear that day, mess became even bigger. 

Then came my mother and told me about this tip. She was using it before and now that I use it, I got rid of my mess and I have it easier to find something that I'm looking for, without worries of wrinkles. What is the great idea? Boxes! Do you also go to a store and at casheer you put your things in empty boxes you found in store? Or do you buy things and have extra box then? Look through them and find boxes that fit on shelves in your wardrobe. You can also change their looks if the labels bother you (not me) or cut them to make them fit. I use each box for different kind of clothings. One for warm winter tops, one for long sleeves, 3/4 sleeves, short sleeves, very summerish, pants. All is also divided in home clothes and clothes I wear for better occasions and so on. So when I need a long sleeve, I take that box out, put it on bed and calmly raise all tops I need to get to the one I want and without any mess putting it back where it belongs. The only thing to be careful about is that tops are folded smaller than the box's width or again ironing it before won't help.

What do you think? Useful? On the picture above you can see part of my wardrobe. You might still think it is messy? Believe me, this is 100% better than before!

Greetings, Anny

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