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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Learning from mistakes

Who likes to talk about mistakes we do? Who can look directly into eyes of what we did wrong and fix it and then go back to normal or enjoy doing what we did before. Mistake when you do something you love but suddenly all goes wrong. Mistake when you talk to someone you care for and say something insensible or out of the frame of topic. Mistakes that we do when we have an argument or misunderstanding. More and more like these moments are when we all do mistakes or fail at something. 

We are unique, different from each other and we all face our mistakes in different ways. Some point at others, some deny it, some run from it, some face it. Am sure there are many other options we are able to come up with. I believe it is very important how you face them, deal with them, let them become a part of you and you moving on with one experiance more that makes sure you remember that at future similar occasions.

Here I don't want to pin point on mistakes I did around me or mistakes other people do/did to me. No, today it is going to be a bit funny posting instead. Because I am a person who quickly gives up on things, or like I mentioned up there, runs away. For the past year I am slowly learning how to not fall into the trap of it. Same goes for people around me and even more so things I like to do. Like example other day I found a story I was writing and didn't finish. Or I did crocheting before and many unfinished projects were lying around. Or a book I struggle with and eventually I push it aside. Now that I started to sew I really don't want to fall into the trap of my mind. Probably sounds silly. I am recieving some good and some bit less good opinions on my works, but none are bad (yet). Some place me back on the solid ground and makes me rethink, which is good. For example I am trying to figure out how to get permission from pattern author to see if I am allowed to sell products. Or that I use my basic knowledge to create something of my own. Some friends just yesterday encouraged me that I need to work on this hobby and that they see potential in what I do. 

We can constantly improve ourselves. I let myself do mistakes when sewing. Either by being silly amateur who doesn't know basics and only later realize things should have been done different. I did wrong, okay, next time I will do it differently, and corectly. I allow myself to use thread cutter thingy and undo my last or last two steps and do it again if am not satisfied with the outcome. Or that time when I made too narrow pulover sleeves. What to do? Those sleeves didn't fit me at all... They were too narrow from elbow towards the wrist. My option was: make short sleeves then. Okay this sounds funny... I also have bit of problem with different kind of fabric, especially the stretchy one. For example used mom's proposal to add thin thin paper under the fabric when sewing it. Ha, the thread suddenly didn't pull on the fabric. 

Next come little challenges when I wish to let myself discover new things even when am worrying how will it turn out. That goes especially for two neighbors (and mom) who realized I can help them with fixing their clothings. Not much yet but little things and luckily no precious clothings. I got parka with undone ends of sleeves and needed to fix, or shorten pants, narrow pants and so on. When I wasn't sure how, I asked for advice too. Now another parka waits for me so I change the zipper, might be bit tricky but it's a challenge I wish to complete. 

That's why sewing is fulfilling for me. First it lets me create, second, I am myself, discover myself and change myself. If I continue with this mindset I believe I am on good track to not give up this time. When I do something not well I will take opinions in consideration as well. Especially if it is from people I know want only good for me. Thank you as well. 

That's all for today. It was nice to write this down so I can go back to it and reread when I need to. I can do it, fighting!


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