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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Folder makeover

Some time ago I wrote about wrapping books in foil. This posting is similar but at the same time a bit different and I expect a part two because I have some ideas for the inside. 

Today I will show you only how to change the outside look of the folder. At home I had two that were a bit old already, not in best condition and childish. I wished to remodel them a bit. The procedure below shows how I did it. The final outcome? I like it, much better than before.

So supplies you need are: 
- folders you wish to give new look
- scissors or scalpel
- glue for paper/wood/fabric (Mekol is what I use)
- colorful A4 paper
- fabric or other wrapping paper

Step 1
At first it is best to look inside the folder. Mine was brownish since it was older and had some humidity spots and I really disliked that. I decided to cover it over with paper first. White for one folder and purple for second. If yours look all right, you can move on to step 2 or 3.

First I placed the paper under the rings at the middle, applied glue on the inside of the cover and carefully placed the paper on it. I pressed well, especially at the edges close to the rings where it folds. 
Next, cut away the extra paper. It turns a lot prettier already, doesn't it? 
Repeat on the other side as well.

Step 2
The rings inside didn't look well either and I tried to paint it. I had only nail polish at home that would suit, you can also use oil paint or something similar up to your taste or what is available.
I also decorated a purple line all around it with normal marker.

Step 3
Pick your fabric. It should be thick enough to hide the covers. I learned my lesson because the original covers are still a bit visible through.

Measure how much fabric you need to wrap it up. Leave around 3 cm around it for the folding inside. You can also use any other wrapping paper, it works the same. I prefer fabric.

Step 4
Iron the fabric, it is easier to apply it. 
Smear the front cover with glue and place the fabric which you folded two times. By folding it, makes it easier and better to apply. Make sure you leave enough edge on all 3 sides and that you placed it straight. Start pressing down to the covers and push out any bubbles and straighten any wrinkles.

Step 5
You reached the folder spine. Apply glue on it and continue adding the fabric to it. Same as before with paper, make sure you press well at the parts where it folds. 
Apply glue to back cover as well and repeat the procedure.

Step 6
It is time to bend in and glue the extra wings. This time I tried a way to not cut off the corners.

First glue the left and right wings but leave the corners unglued. 
Next, bend the fabric at the corner to form a triangle and glue it. Repeat it once more.

Next glue the top and bottom wings as well. 
Be careful around the middle part at rings. I didn't plan to add anything else there so I bent the fabric for few millimeters and glued it this way to the metal part. You don't want the threads to show or later tear there.

Step 7
Below you can see how it looks now. You can keep it this way if you do it neater than I did. I had originally a plan to apply one more layer of paper and let myself be a bit sloppy. 

If you decide to add another layer of paper simply measure how big they should be. I measured from the folds at the middle and until 0,5 cm or so from the edges.

Lastly, apply the papers. Make sure you apply glue to the folder and then press the paper on it. If you apply glue on the paper and want to glue it down it gets really messy and wrinkly. That is if you use thin paper, thicker wouldn't give many problems.

Do you like the outcome. I do and I need to think what else to do about this folder. I had album in mind, need to research a bit and think what would work best. I'll let you know once I figure it out. 


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