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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

His treats and habits #3


The picture above is from out first year together, out first winter and first snow as well. We had a lot of snow that year (and few after that as well) and it was really fun to play together. It was still snowing when we were outside, clearing up the snow a bit, running behind the house and from the big pile of snow we were making igloo for him. We used leaves to write his name on the top of the entrance. Really good times and he is always really excited to jump around through the snow. 

I think it was last year when we had around 30cm of snow, he didn't leave only paw trails but made a whole path as his legs were smaller than the snow so all we saw from the whiteness was his head and tail. Cute really. 

Monday, January 9, 2017

Thank you Lauranta

💗Laura + Santa = Lauranta💗

Yes, yes and yes! I recieved Lauranta's post today. I know you were worrying of being late but late doesn't matter! I like when people come on time to the meeting place but I never pressure people when it comes to gifts. I know all don't have time and ideas or don't feel well. Actually I don't need much, a card or something similar is enough to make me happy. 

Actually Lauranta you made sure I won't stop beng creative. I got so many things!! Pretty and awesome! A template for crocheted table decoration with instructions, I have to make it! Let me find right yarn for it at home or I'll just go and buy it. A magazine with patterns as well, I should learn to knit, left and right is all I was capable of years ago. And hardcover, I can use that for new book. 
Then oh my so many beautiful fabric! I can wrap my handmade books in such pretty fabric now. I have in mind to try writing diary (my friend Esther gave me the idea) and if I make my own books for diaries, how cool is that. I love it. And I might try to learn sewing. Actually I had this thought for a while. I know how to sew more or less straight but that's it... So many possible goal for 2017. ✌
And sweetie it is so cool to get such awesome ink pens. You showed me video how to make the green one and I'm really thankful you worked on it for me. I have to buy ink as soon as possible and try it out. 
Annyanta: I hope you liked my gift as well. When you were here in 2016 you showed me your album book from your stay in Japan and when I thought what to give you for Christmas this was what appeared in my head first. Organizing pictures, making the outlook and ordering. All of it was really fun and it made me remember the few days we spent together. I hope the Slovenia album gives you similar memories. 

Thank you for many things. 💗 

Friday, January 6, 2017

Ljubljana castle

Remember Festive Ljubljana posting? I made a little teaser about Ljubljana's medieval castle up there, just a short hike away from busy streets. Romantic strolls through the forest, old downtown just to have a look over Ljubljana and mountains at the horizon.

These pictures I took few months ago, it wasn't that cold, I waited for friends and had enough time to make a small hike up the hill. Let me show you how that went on that day.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Max and his piggy

The holidays are over, did you all spend it well? 

For Max it was a really lazy time. He snuggled a lot, slept a lot. He waited for midnight on new year as well and shivered a little due to sounds outside. Little sleepyhead. Beside sunshine he likes warmth in general. Sometimes he moves and moves at his bed, looking for a way under the covers. Sometimes, when it is colder, we cover him as well. Spoiled kid really. 

He is sending his greetings and good wishes for the new year together with his good friend piggy. 

Wishing everyone are well. 


Monday, January 2, 2017

Making simple bead earrings

Have you ever tried to make simple earrings? Or at least thought about it? I did start this idea two years ago. Why I make them? It is because I can make them up to my tastes. True, there are many, really many, different ones in stores. It is a completely different feeling when I wear something I made on my own. It is also special if you give them as a gift, it isn't much, but I didn't buy it in a store either. I consider it special. You could see part of my earrings collection at the post over here.

Back to the topic of making the earrings. Here I will show and explain to you how simple it is and you don't need many things to make them. Maybe someone will try making them as well.