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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Friday, January 6, 2017

Ljubljana castle

Remember Festive Ljubljana posting? I made a little teaser about Ljubljana's medieval castle up there, just a short hike away from busy streets. Romantic strolls through the forest, old downtown just to have a look over Ljubljana and mountains at the horizon.

These pictures I took few months ago, it wasn't that cold, I waited for friends and had enough time to make a small hike up the hill. Let me show you how that went on that day.

As I said before, to get up there, you need to hike uphill for a bit. There are many ways you can take. If a person can't walk or has dificulties, you can take also funicular railway which costs 4€ for adults and that is return way, one way is 2,20€. I drove it in August 2015 when I went for an event, it was dark already and the sight over Ljubljana was magical. Third way you can take is also by car. I always prefer the first option.
Once you get up to the castle, this is his surrounding. Really nice for walks or simply sitting on a bench, looking down at the capital. You can stay for as long as you wish to. It is also interesting to attend events there. 
When I took the path towards the inside I noticed the dragon. I mentioned in previous postings about dragon being symbol of Ljubljana. And next you get the view over the inner space which is shown on the first picture of this posting. 
Lastly, I mentioned the view over Ljubljana a few times until now. Here it is. 

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