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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Friday, February 2, 2018

Wonder flower

To be honest I am not much of a good caretaker of my inside flowers, I often forget to water them and once I do I pick dry leaves away and water them well. Then on very good days I also brush their leaves so the dust doesn't bother them and so they get refreshed. At such moments they are my treasures and I really pay attention to them. Still, I mainly love the green touch they give to my room and ease my eyes. So I rarely have flowers that bloom, colorful leaves or pretty green leaves satisfy me. Sadly sometimes, due to me not being always good to them, some also die and I am not very proud of that.

Among many flowers I have in my room this one particularily surprised me. I have her third year now and first year I didn't notice her wonders, but this last year, I did. 

First, she has very nice to touch leaves, velvet like feeling. It blooms in such amazingly beautiful purple color and the blooms are in shapes of big bells. Last year there were so many blooms that they couldn't fully open up because of pressing against each other. And the flower blooms for quite some time, not all at once. Some blooms fall down while new ones open to keep giving me pleasure to watch it. Sadly I don't know the name of the blower so if someone knows, let me know and I'll add that.

What shocked me last year is how it slowly died. I was very sad and blamed myself for not watering her enough or taking good care of her. She is very thirsty in general. First leaves dried out and fell down then the stem started to die until all fell apart and all that remained in pot was soil, her balance stick and two decoration birds. There was no sign of any flower... I was really sad because I feared I won't be able to see her bloom again.

Here comes my silly heart. I was optimistic and thought: "Maybe there are some roots left... maybe if I keep watering the soil, something will start growing again". Even mom was sceptic if that was a good idea but I tried. It was funny to watch an empty cup on my windowsill. Then! One day I spotted a small green spot in the middle. I screamed from joy and immediately showed it to parents, saying: "It is alive, it is back!" I was really happy and glad I didn't give up on her and kept giving her food even if there was no sign of her still living. I didn't give up on her. It is just a flower, right? I am silly, right? Nah, this is victory! The picture above was taken few days ago, this is how much she grew already! It looks very healthy, I already gave her some support on the small stick and I can't wait for her blooms again.

I dug deep inside my Instagram and found the picture of how she is blooming so my dear readers can better understand my joy. It is really a wonder flower like phoenix rising from her ashes every year. I love her, she is my biggest flower-treasure.

A post shared by Anny (@anny_no_yume) on

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