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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Sack of useful tips #2

Today I decided to share another tip from the sack of useful tips that I use for my clothings. Hangers, oh those all purpose tools we probably all use. But did it happen to you that they cause sometimes damage to your clothings? I especially dislike when I hang my pulover and it ends up having stretched fabric on my shoulders. Happened to someone else too? Even when ironing it, the stretch can be hard to remove or sometimes even impossible. 

I hunted the web and came accross this useful way which I often use now for my stretchy clothings. It is a different way to hang your tops on the hanger without letting it cause damage. 

So to demonstrate I took a pulover from my wardrobe and my most used kind of hangers which usually cause most damage because it has no wide part for the shoulders to hang on.

To do this trick I place my pulover on a straight surface and fold it in half by length (follow pictures below). Make sure you remove any wrinkles, have it as neat as possible. Then place down the hanger in a way so that the top hook is between the armpits. All you need to do next is fold the sleeves and torso part accross the both sides of the hanger. Make sure to remove any wrinkles again. 


And that's it. Very simple. I like this type of hanging also due to the fact that my tops tend to be quite long and my rack is positioned quite low so with this option I also avoid clothes touching the bottom of my wardrobe and get dirty.

I hope this was useful as much as it is for me. 

Wishing all a nice day, Anny

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