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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


I have been thinking... Is writing a diary considered what only teenagers or old-fashioned people do? How many people do you know who do it? Is it needed to be written on daily basis? Is it childish? Is it waste of time or any other doubts anyone would have about it? I often wanted to write it but honestly I was very lazy or feared parents would notice and go later read what I write about. Recently that changed. For starters I believe in my parents more that they would leave it be and secondly I found good reasons why to write it.

What are my reasons?

Did you know that writing a diary is self-healing process and a process that makes you re-arrange your thoughts and put it in order. I believe it is a link we create with ourselves. If I encounter something very confusing or something I can't decide about or don't want to talk about it to anyone... As the saying goes: paper can withstand all. Some questions are answered while writing it. Also for me, I like writing my thoughts, worries, good or bad things down. It is also a way I can later look back at them. Similar as photo album. Honestly, I tend to forget many things... If I look back at my childhood or early years I have big holes... And sometimes I wonder how come my life changed so much than it was before. Biggest worry here is that I forgot so much and I wish I wrote a diary back then so I would now be able to look back and probably laugh. And most importantly, understand my past self.

So lately, I tell myself that taking at least half an hour for myself and my diary, isn't such a big thing. In that half an hour I write down what is on my mind. Not every day because not every day there is something that needs to be written down. I mostly write down my frustrations because that eases me. I don't hold it inside, I give it away and by writing it on paper I don't influance anyone around me about it. There are also things that are only for me to know. It really helps. I started using stickers as well. Especially when I am excited. That is a little child in me who wants to point out her feelings through pictures as well. I can't wait to look at it a year from now, ten years from now etc. How will things change? Will I become different person? Will I achieve a change in my life or get what I try to gain now. Will I still be in contact with people I write about?

This is why I write a diary now. And I do it old-fashion way. With an empty notebook and fountain pen. It is very positive thing to do so go ahead, take an empty notebook and a pen and start. Every start is tough, I struggled too. Once you get used to it and know how you want to "talk to yourself" it will become an amazing habit.


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