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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Bye 2017, hello 2018

Another year is slowly reaching its end. Ending is a new beginning, is often told. Some people make promises to themselves what they want to achieve in the new year, some stick to them and some stick to them first few weeks. I actually don't make any promises to myself. My mother often told me: "Don't promise something you aren't sure you will keep." She meant more towards other people, family and friends. I take that as also towards myself. It will make me feel the pressure to keep them and my chances to do so would get smaller. 

Instead, I place few wishes for me and people around me. What I wish for me and others. This way I don't feel pressure and end up completing those wishes without trying hard. Sometimes they complete also on their own. That is why this option is for me better. 

So looking back to this post I made last year (click here). When I look at it now I can see that many things came true for me and also for people around me.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Cloning clothes [sewing]

Some of my friends already know that in 2017 I started to become interested in sewing with a sewing machine. I had no practice or experiance before. One day when browsing Pinterest I saw something I wanted to make and nudged my mother to tell me basics I needed to know about the machine and to be there when I had any problems and how to solve them. That's how it started but later on I got interested in making my own clothes. I saw many patterns around but all seemed like chinese to a beginner like me.

So I looked further and further until finally I found something perfect. I wish to share that with all because cloning your own clothes is what I consider learning. Once you realize how things function how and what to adjust, I believe I can stop relying on cloning but creating my own ideas. Bit by bit is how I learn on my own.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

His treats and habits #4

-Master of cuddling-

As the picture and title say it already, there is probably, at least for me, no other dog that likes to cuddle more than our Max. I know some people don't approve dogs being on human beds but I think otherwise. He loves my bed and my heart doesn't let me go against those puppy eyes. He often warms my legs and snuggles close to me. He likes it and I like it as well, especialy during some more tensed times when his warmth and soft fur calm me down. He sleeps each night in my bed, snuggles to my stomach and practically doesn't move all night. He knows it well to give me peace or he would be chased down.