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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Bibimbap [korean dish]

Have you ever watched something, a movie or a series and think: "Oh this looks so delicious I want to make it one day." Not? Maybe it is just me then :) It is what happens to me quite often but I do not always make the dishes I see or look for instructions. For this one I did. The story behind bibimbap is simple because I used to watch many korean series and I saw very often people eat bibimbap and it looked so simple and delicious mix of many vegetables, meat and rice. Sure I went online to browse how to make it and eventually this is how I make it now from time to time. 

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Learning from mistakes

Who likes to talk about mistakes we do? Who can look directly into eyes of what we did wrong and fix it and then go back to normal or enjoy doing what we did before. Mistake when you do something you love but suddenly all goes wrong. Mistake when you talk to someone you care for and say something insensible or out of the frame of topic. Mistakes that we do when we have an argument or misunderstanding. More and more like these moments are when we all do mistakes or fail at something. 

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Sack of useful tips #1

Sack of useful tips? I had idea for something like this in my head for a while now. How to gently, without pressuring people, present few tips on some every day things. I couldn't really form it correctly on the whiteness of a new blog post. "Would it be even useful, would anyone even take notice of it?" or "What if I don't do it right as well and am only trying to be smart here." Sounds funny that I thought so much about it. Then I told myself, if some things are useful for me, why not share it and maybe someone else starts to do it.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Folder makeover

Some time ago I wrote about wrapping books in foil. This posting is similar but at the same time a bit different and I expect a part two because I have some ideas for the inside. 

Today I will show you only how to change the outside look of the folder. At home I had two that were a bit old already, not in best condition and childish. I wished to remodel them a bit. The procedure below shows how I did it. The final outcome? I like it, much better than before.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Tool for continuous bias binding tape [sewing]

Once I started making more sewn clothes on my own or other smaller things I stumbled upon a small problem. a) either I was out of bias binding tape to make nice closed up edges or b) even the store was out of it. I kept having that thought in my head each time when I was in fabric store or any other similar store.

Then one day I came accross this tool that enables me to make my own continuous bias binding tape from any fabric I am using. Simple, quick and saving my own money. They had different sizes but since I mainly do clothes and other similar things I said 25 mm should do it.

Here is how you use it.