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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Sack of useful tips #3

Do you like having small tissues always close by for quick cleanings to do like I do? I am actually in love with those wet tissues. I have always hygenic ones with me in the bag wherever I go. I might be a bit phobic regarding the cleaniness of my hands especially when dealing with older things or touching public things or at least once or twice a month I clean my mouse and typing board. Basic cleanings. So yes those wet tissues or antibacterial spray are my saviors. But what about having your house clean, or your room? And what if you are a bit lazy like I am and need to be done quickly before visits come or when I spot a dirty thing on my shelf or window shelf. And what if the vet tissues become dry one day? This is what happened to me before and I looked online for something to solve that and after some browsing I came uppon this good solution that I will share with you. 

"Wet tissues for house cleaning" is the tip I will present today and how to make them on your own. 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


I have been thinking... Is writing a diary considered what only teenagers or old-fashioned people do? How many people do you know who do it? Is it needed to be written on daily basis? Is it childish? Is it waste of time or any other doubts anyone would have about it? I often wanted to write it but honestly I was very lazy or feared parents would notice and go later read what I write about. Recently that changed. For starters I believe in my parents more that they would leave it be and secondly I found good reasons why to write it.

What are my reasons?

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Doggy vest (sewing)

I'll be honest, when I see pets, especially dogs, dressed walking down the street, it makes me laugh by how silly this looks. As a fellow dog owner, I should have seen a different meaning behind that kind of behavior. It is simple love and care for the pet in cold winter days. To make clear, I don't approve it if a pet wears it at 10 degrees Celsius, its fur should be enough for that, unless it is hairless animal or so. Minus 10 degrees Celsius is big difference and all we owners want is comfort for our pets when we take them for a walk or snowy playground.

For me, I had an idea to make one vest for my furry darling for a while now, ever since I started sewing. I wasn't confident if I can make it and actually had no idea how to even start and make it the right fit. I also doubted if my darling would be ready to cooperate in this project. My doubts were actually meaningless. Some of you saw my video on Facebook and know when I say that he was more than a good boy.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Sack of useful tips #2

Today I decided to share another tip from the sack of useful tips that I use for my clothings. Hangers, oh those all purpose tools we probably all use. But did it happen to you that they cause sometimes damage to your clothings? I especially dislike when I hang my pulover and it ends up having stretched fabric on my shoulders. Happened to someone else too? Even when ironing it, the stretch can be hard to remove or sometimes even impossible. 

I hunted the web and came accross this useful way which I often use now for my stretchy clothings. It is a different way to hang your tops on the hanger without letting it cause damage. 

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Krhki flancati (food)

It is time to chase the winter away. Put your masks on, go from house to house, make a lot of noise, eat pig meat on fat Thursday and so on and on with other traditions which are surely different from country to country or even from region to region. 

One such tradition is to eat donuts. In my family we aren't much stuffing ourselves with them. Instead we really like "krhki flancati". I have really no idea how that would be translated in english so I went with the name we use here for crunchy pastry covered in icing suggar. There is still enough time to make it and it is very simple so join me in making them.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Wonder flower

To be honest I am not much of a good caretaker of my inside flowers, I often forget to water them and once I do I pick dry leaves away and water them well. Then on very good days I also brush their leaves so the dust doesn't bother them and so they get refreshed. At such moments they are my treasures and I really pay attention to them. Still, I mainly love the green touch they give to my room and ease my eyes. So I rarely have flowers that bloom, colorful leaves or pretty green leaves satisfy me. Sadly sometimes, due to me not being always good to them, some also die and I am not very proud of that.

Among many flowers I have in my room this one particularily surprised me. I have her third year now and first year I didn't notice her wonders, but this last year, I did. 

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Bibimbap [korean dish]

Have you ever watched something, a movie or a series and think: "Oh this looks so delicious I want to make it one day." Not? Maybe it is just me then :) It is what happens to me quite often but I do not always make the dishes I see or look for instructions. For this one I did. The story behind bibimbap is simple because I used to watch many korean series and I saw very often people eat bibimbap and it looked so simple and delicious mix of many vegetables, meat and rice. Sure I went online to browse how to make it and eventually this is how I make it now from time to time. 

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Learning from mistakes

Who likes to talk about mistakes we do? Who can look directly into eyes of what we did wrong and fix it and then go back to normal or enjoy doing what we did before. Mistake when you do something you love but suddenly all goes wrong. Mistake when you talk to someone you care for and say something insensible or out of the frame of topic. Mistakes that we do when we have an argument or misunderstanding. More and more like these moments are when we all do mistakes or fail at something. 

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Sack of useful tips #1

Sack of useful tips? I had idea for something like this in my head for a while now. How to gently, without pressuring people, present few tips on some every day things. I couldn't really form it correctly on the whiteness of a new blog post. "Would it be even useful, would anyone even take notice of it?" or "What if I don't do it right as well and am only trying to be smart here." Sounds funny that I thought so much about it. Then I told myself, if some things are useful for me, why not share it and maybe someone else starts to do it.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Folder makeover

Some time ago I wrote about wrapping books in foil. This posting is similar but at the same time a bit different and I expect a part two because I have some ideas for the inside. 

Today I will show you only how to change the outside look of the folder. At home I had two that were a bit old already, not in best condition and childish. I wished to remodel them a bit. The procedure below shows how I did it. The final outcome? I like it, much better than before.