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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Wishes for the following year

2  naj nam prinese veliko dobrih stvari, ki se lahko zgodijo med dvema osebama. Ljubezen, prijateljstvo, razumevanje, iskrenost, komunikacija, odpuščenje…
0  naj nam prinese zelo malo oziroma nič slabih stvari. Naj prežene vojne, trpljenje, bolezni…
1  naj nam prinese nov začetek. Le eden je dovolj. Izviren za vsakega posameznika.
7  naj nam prinese veliko čarobnih stvari. Dovolimo si sanjati, verjeti, zaupati, imeti cilje, biti radovedni, optimistični in se veseliti novih izzivov, ki so pred nami.

Vse te želje so namenjene moji družini, prijateljem in njihovim bližnjim. Srečno 2017.


2  may bring us many good things that can happen between two people. Love, friendship, understanding, honesty, communication, forgiveness…
0  may bring us as little or none bad things. It should chase war, suffering, illnesses … away.
1  may bring us a new beginning. Only one is enough. Unique for every individual.
7  may bring us many magical things. We should allow ourselves to dream, believe, trust, have goals, be curious, optimistic and looking forward to new challenges that are ahead of us.

All of these wishes go to my family, friends and their close ones. Happy 2017.


Friday, December 30, 2016

Gyoza (recepy)

Firstly, let me clarify. Gyoza isn't Slovene dish, it is Japanese. I am sharing this here because I'll show how I'm making these dumplings. There are many other recepies online, check them out if you wish or stay here and read mine. 

Actually I learned from somewhere as well, I didn't know how to make it before either. I helped myself with youtube account: Cooking with dog. Here is gyoza recepy. 

Now let's move on how I make it. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

His treats and habits #2

-He is in love with bones and treats-food in general-

Next section in his treats and habits is this one. This silly boy goes crazy for any food, especially treats and bones, like every dog out there. He is funniest when he challenges himself with something that is too big for him. He gnaws on it for a while, leaves it lying around the house, later finds interest again and sometimes the goods are suddenly gone.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Little tip

For this week I planned to do something different but sadly couldn't do it so I'll do it a bit more simple. This week I give one simple tip to those who like to create, who are looking for ideas. Well some already know it, but for those who don't yet: Pinterest

It is a website or phone app, both work really well. It brings a really easy way to look for ideas (which are never ending). You can create folders and save the ideas of others inside of them. Create your own ideas (for example in blog) and share it to Pinterest for others. Of course you can also create your own social life with people of similar interests etc. 

Once I start browsing, it is really tough to stop. My mind fills up with thoughts: I want to do this, I want to try that etc. I know my sister has this same problem and for sure many many others. Why? It isn't only about handmade things you can do. It is also good place to look for cooking ideas, gifts etc. Try it out and you'll see. It pulls you in. 

Lastly, I'm sorry for this week, I'll do better with other two postings and bring you something better next Monday on this section. Promise.


Friday, December 23, 2016

Festive Ljubljana

It is time. Christmas is approaching! I admit this year it doesn't feel really festive but when I walked through the old part of capital Ljubljana, I could feel it. The happy feeling, the warmth, so many people, stalls with sweets and goods, smell of caramel and cinamon in the air and all isn't perfect without the sight of Ljubljanica flowing by and lights that enlighten the night sky. 

My description and pictures can't show it unless you are there, sitting at a cafe, sipping warm tea or mulled wine, looking around and capture the images around you. I show only a few pictures I took. They might not be good enough, I'm still trying various options about night pictures. Can you please overlook this a little?

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

His treats and habits #1

-Sunbathing and lying on the window-

I decided to do a section in more parts. The section will introduce my Max's lovely points or habits, may they be good or a bit less good.

For today I picked sunbathing and lying on the window. As far as I know this habit is usually more known for cats. Actually this boy really enjoys the sun. I think he turns a bit moody during the winter, he might be cold and missing the warm sun rays. He sometimes sits in the middle of my room, exactly where the sun is shining. In spring he sometimes looks up at the window, knowing the sun is up there. Actually, on any given occasion, he chooses sun against the shade. 

Monday, December 19, 2016

Wrapping books

Today's topic is a bit from my professional field. Or I would say professional defect. If I buy a soft cover book, I wrap them in transparent foil to protect it. I must say the start was tough. My first wrapped books from years ago look weird but eventually I became better at it.

Below I give my instructions if someone wishes to learn.

Friday, December 16, 2016


Otočec, I usually visit this place in spring, early/late summer. This time I went start of December and it was a completelly different experiance and sights. Usually there are many people, enjoying the sightings of the castle on an island around which flows river Krka. In December, or at least the day I visited, there was calm and peaceful with practically no people around. 

In the two hours that I spent here, I listened to birds singing up in the trees and the river flowing by. I met two swans and around twenty ducks, second all sticking their noses into their feathers. My phone caught many many beautiful pictures but there are few I picked out as the best ones. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Max & bathing

My little boy was always afraid of water. On a walk he avoided water on the road, when it rains he wouldn't go outside and worst, he didn't like to bath, go to river or sea... The rest is okay, I never would force him, but he needs to take a bath then and then. It was tough at first, he would go nowhere bathroom, even less inside the bath (but once he was inside he was still as a rock). He even snarled at us once... Not good... We had to do something. 

I looked for a way how to make him like the bath time... I searched the net for informations first and when I got the basic idea, I wanted to try it. I noticed that he is crazy for treats (who wouldn't be) and invited him inside the bathroom while he was able to see the cookie. Then I placed the cookie on the other side of the bath, telling him to go pick it up if he wants it. It sounds mean of me but going inside a bath has been troubles in the first place so that had to be a start. He had to move on his own and realize bath isn't as scary as he thinks it is.

Monday, December 12, 2016


Do you use a lot of thick tape or know someone who does. When they run out of tape, don't throw them in trash, there is a way to use them.

Purpose: For those who need small compartments in which they can store small things like jewelry.

Supplies you will need:
- tape leftovers (picture above)
- uneeded fabric or socks (easiest)
- scissors
- thread and needle
- pencil
- hard cardboard or thin wood

Friday, December 9, 2016

Old Ljubljana sights

Dragon, symbol of power, courage and greatness is what you find almost anywhere you look in Ljubljana, Slovenia's capital city. Its greatness is mostly visible on a Dragon bridge over river Ljubljanica. The bridge is decorated by four large dragons like the one above. 

As for more sights of old parts of Ljubljana, here are some pictures through the seasons. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Our family

Continuing with the story of our Cvili from previous week. As I mentioned, he was born in a nice family but because the owners of his mother couldn't raise all newborn puppies, they gave them away to other people in hopes of good care. 

Not long after, the first owner got the notice from a shelter kilometers away that Cvili (at that time he was already Max) was found and to come pick him up. I don't know how long he was in the shelter though but it was long enough. When he came back home, his mother didn't recognize him anymore. There were constant fight for toys, attention and it became loud. For owners, living in apartment building, that wasn't something they could afford. So the owner decided to give Max away again but this time to people that would really care for him. She posted his picture with basic information into a newspaper where my mom and I saw him. 

Monday, December 5, 2016

Christmas cards

The trend of Christmas cards is slowly fading. We used to write almost everyone we knew in the past, wishing them merry holidays and luck in the following year that was about to come. We went to post with big stack of envelopes. 
These days people write short messages, use Facebook or similar ways to do so. The times are changing. I do that too, it is easier right? But sometimes I like making cards as well and sending them to few people. Sure I don't make them every year either. This year felt special and I decided I'll do them for real. It consumes a lot of time but it is worth it when you imagine a smile on reciever's end. That is my goal. 

Below is tutorial how I make my cards like the ones shown above.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Basic survivor guide to Slovene

Is this how I should start this section? Basic things to know about my language? Let's do a quick tour. Since rules are tough to explain in short, let's do examples instead. 

Kako vam je ime?/Kako ti je ime? = What is your name?
Koliko ste stari?/Koliko si star? = How old are you?
Od kod ste?/Od kod si? = Where do you come from?

Živijo! = Hi!
Adijo. = Bye.
Dobro jutro/dober dan/dober večer = Good morning/Good day/Good evening
Lahko noč = Good night

Levo/desno = left/right
Naprej/nazaj = forward, back(ward)

Asking for help
Oprostite (formal)/oprosti (informal) = Excuse me, sorry
Example: Oprostite, kje je stranišče? (Excuse me, where are the toilets?)
Prosim. = Please.
Hvala. = Thank you.
Ali mi lahko pomagate? = Can you help me?
Slabo se počutim. = I don't feel well.
Ne govorim vašega jezika. = I'm not speaking your language.
Kje lahko napolnim telefon? = Where can I charge my phone?

First is for males, second for females.
Lačen/lačna sem. = I'm hungry. 
Žejen/žejna sem. = I'm thirsty.
Naročil/naročila bi ____. = I wish to order ____.
Example: Naročila bi eno kokakolo. = I wish to order one coca-cola.

Koliko to stane? = How much does this cost?
Ali lahko plačam s kartico? = May I pay with a card?
Example if the answer is no: Gotovina torej? = Cash then?

Všeč si mi/Všeč mi je. = I like you/I like it.
Nisi mi všeč/Ni mi všeč. = I don't like you/I don't like it.
Ljubim te. = I love you.
Pogrešam te. = I miss you.

I can't think of any others right now. Is there any example you wish to know? Should I add voice file to make it easier?
