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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Max & bathing

My little boy was always afraid of water. On a walk he avoided water on the road, when it rains he wouldn't go outside and worst, he didn't like to bath, go to river or sea... The rest is okay, I never would force him, but he needs to take a bath then and then. It was tough at first, he would go nowhere bathroom, even less inside the bath (but once he was inside he was still as a rock). He even snarled at us once... Not good... We had to do something. 

I looked for a way how to make him like the bath time... I searched the net for informations first and when I got the basic idea, I wanted to try it. I noticed that he is crazy for treats (who wouldn't be) and invited him inside the bathroom while he was able to see the cookie. Then I placed the cookie on the other side of the bath, telling him to go pick it up if he wants it. It sounds mean of me but going inside a bath has been troubles in the first place so that had to be a start. He had to move on his own and realize bath isn't as scary as he thinks it is.

At first he only looked at the cookie and me, probably wondering if I'd give it to him. He looked sad it was so far away, even softly whined while sitting beside the bath. At times I admit, I picked the treat and gave it to him but with time, he went inside on his own, picked the treat and then I let him leave. Simply as that. No water, only going in and out. 

Once he learned that, everything became simpler. A year or two ago, the summer was really hot and somehow I thought he would like little refreshment (he was breathing fast even inside the cold house, sticking to the wall). I almost daily invited him inside the bath and only freshened his paws and with hand a little bit on his head and neck. I guess he slowly started to like it as he understood it cooled him down. When summer ended the winter came. When the snow is being cleared they sometimes throw salt as well and all that nasty snow from cars etc. I had another reason to wash his paws (also to prevent any troubles with his paws).

It suddenly became really easy. These days when I say: "Let's go wash your paws" or "Let's bath" and hint towards the bathroom, he runs there, jumps inside and waits for me. Such a good boy of course deserves a treat.

Has your dog similar problems? Don't scold him, take your time and teach him how scary things can be really enjoyable for him and us.

"I got better at this bathing thing right? Now, don't say I'm cute, just don't..."


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