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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Friday, December 16, 2016


Otočec, I usually visit this place in spring, early/late summer. This time I went start of December and it was a completelly different experiance and sights. Usually there are many people, enjoying the sightings of the castle on an island around which flows river Krka. In December, or at least the day I visited, there was calm and peaceful with practically no people around. 

In the two hours that I spent here, I listened to birds singing up in the trees and the river flowing by. I met two swans and around twenty ducks, second all sticking their noses into their feathers. My phone caught many many beautiful pictures but there are few I picked out as the best ones. 

It was really pleasant experiance for me. It was peaceful, just me and nature. It was slightly cold but that didn't stop me. With red cheeks and nose, scarf up high at my neck I walked and walked, didn't even feel the tiredness until I arrived home. I met a small bridge with a hole in it, gathered my courage and walked across it. It was worth it because I came even closer to the waterfall on the picture below and saw ice sticking on branches. It reminded me that it was really winter time. I tested the water as well, it was indeed cold. 
Most important I let my head free into imagination. There was no one to disturb me, I could be free, looking up or down, far or near. Everything was beautiful and magical. 


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