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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Monday, December 26, 2016

Little tip

For this week I planned to do something different but sadly couldn't do it so I'll do it a bit more simple. This week I give one simple tip to those who like to create, who are looking for ideas. Well some already know it, but for those who don't yet: Pinterest

It is a website or phone app, both work really well. It brings a really easy way to look for ideas (which are never ending). You can create folders and save the ideas of others inside of them. Create your own ideas (for example in blog) and share it to Pinterest for others. Of course you can also create your own social life with people of similar interests etc. 

Once I start browsing, it is really tough to stop. My mind fills up with thoughts: I want to do this, I want to try that etc. I know my sister has this same problem and for sure many many others. Why? It isn't only about handmade things you can do. It is also good place to look for cooking ideas, gifts etc. Try it out and you'll see. It pulls you in. 

Lastly, I'm sorry for this week, I'll do better with other two postings and bring you something better next Monday on this section. Promise.


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