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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Friday, December 2, 2016

Basic survivor guide to Slovene

Is this how I should start this section? Basic things to know about my language? Let's do a quick tour. Since rules are tough to explain in short, let's do examples instead. 

Kako vam je ime?/Kako ti je ime? = What is your name?
Koliko ste stari?/Koliko si star? = How old are you?
Od kod ste?/Od kod si? = Where do you come from?

Živijo! = Hi!
Adijo. = Bye.
Dobro jutro/dober dan/dober večer = Good morning/Good day/Good evening
Lahko noč = Good night

Levo/desno = left/right
Naprej/nazaj = forward, back(ward)

Asking for help
Oprostite (formal)/oprosti (informal) = Excuse me, sorry
Example: Oprostite, kje je stranišče? (Excuse me, where are the toilets?)
Prosim. = Please.
Hvala. = Thank you.
Ali mi lahko pomagate? = Can you help me?
Slabo se počutim. = I don't feel well.
Ne govorim vašega jezika. = I'm not speaking your language.
Kje lahko napolnim telefon? = Where can I charge my phone?

First is for males, second for females.
Lačen/lačna sem. = I'm hungry. 
Žejen/žejna sem. = I'm thirsty.
Naročil/naročila bi ____. = I wish to order ____.
Example: Naročila bi eno kokakolo. = I wish to order one coca-cola.

Koliko to stane? = How much does this cost?
Ali lahko plačam s kartico? = May I pay with a card?
Example if the answer is no: Gotovina torej? = Cash then?

Všeč si mi/Všeč mi je. = I like you/I like it.
Nisi mi všeč/Ni mi všeč. = I don't like you/I don't like it.
Ljubim te. = I love you.
Pogrešam te. = I miss you.

I can't think of any others right now. Is there any example you wish to know? Should I add voice file to make it easier?


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