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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

His treats and habits #2

-He is in love with bones and treats-food in general-

Next section in his treats and habits is this one. This silly boy goes crazy for any food, especially treats and bones, like every dog out there. He is funniest when he challenges himself with something that is too big for him. He gnaws on it for a while, leaves it lying around the house, later finds interest again and sometimes the goods are suddenly gone.

A video posted by Anny (@anny_no_yume) on

When I look at his pictures to fill these sections I am every time surprised by how skiny he used to be. Now, thanks to being spoiled little kid, he gained almost a bit too much. We love you Max.


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