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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Wishes for the following year

2  naj nam prinese veliko dobrih stvari, ki se lahko zgodijo med dvema osebama. Ljubezen, prijateljstvo, razumevanje, iskrenost, komunikacija, odpuščenje…
0  naj nam prinese zelo malo oziroma nič slabih stvari. Naj prežene vojne, trpljenje, bolezni…
1  naj nam prinese nov začetek. Le eden je dovolj. Izviren za vsakega posameznika.
7  naj nam prinese veliko čarobnih stvari. Dovolimo si sanjati, verjeti, zaupati, imeti cilje, biti radovedni, optimistični in se veseliti novih izzivov, ki so pred nami.

Vse te želje so namenjene moji družini, prijateljem in njihovim bližnjim. Srečno 2017.


2  may bring us many good things that can happen between two people. Love, friendship, understanding, honesty, communication, forgiveness…
0  may bring us as little or none bad things. It should chase war, suffering, illnesses … away.
1  may bring us a new beginning. Only one is enough. Unique for every individual.
7  may bring us many magical things. We should allow ourselves to dream, believe, trust, have goals, be curious, optimistic and looking forward to new challenges that are ahead of us.

All of these wishes go to my family, friends and their close ones. Happy 2017.


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