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"It is bad to let go of your dreams."
(Flowers for Algernon)

Monday, December 19, 2016

Wrapping books

Today's topic is a bit from my professional field. Or I would say professional defect. If I buy a soft cover book, I wrap them in transparent foil to protect it. I must say the start was tough. My first wrapped books from years ago look weird but eventually I became better at it.

Below I give my instructions if someone wishes to learn.

Self-adhesive foil and scissors.

Step 1
Measure how much foil you will need for your book. Put the book on the foil, open it around in the middle. Now make sure the foil around your book is 2 or 3 squares (on the pictures below) or measure 2-3 cm. 
Step 2
Unwrap half of the foil. Don't put it on the book yet. Close the book, turn the front side up and measure again like before, 2-3 cm around all sides. When you are sure, start slowly putting foil from one side towards the book spine while pressing out the bubbles. Press it well. Don't pull or stretch the foil. If you have bubbles or folds, pull the foil off until it (no need for whole) and try to correct it. 

When you reach the book spine, unwrap a bit more of the foil and make sure you press the foil well on the corners of the spine. This step is important because the back side of the book can easily turn messy if not done well around the spine.

Now you've reached the back side, unwrap the whole foil until end and slowly press down, away from the spine. 

At this step bubbles are usually biggest problems. Have patience, take your time and keep trying.

Step 3
The cutting phase. Look at the picture below. The yellow parts are foil that should stay around the book. The edges should be cut at around 20 degrees, not too close to the edge. The part at the spine should be cut close to the spine (look where papers are connected to the spine). 
Step 4
Now turn all the foil wings inside the book and press it well. Lastly you need to cut extra foil on top and bottom of the spine and you are done. 

Additional idea
You can use normal foil as well, not the self-adhesive. This way you will have less problems and is quicker. You need some tape there but, do know that with time, the glue won't hold anymore and it can fall off.

Was it useful? I hope so. 


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